Quote pyeman="pyeman"All i have said is that the only club ryan hudson has taken performancing enhancing drugs, despite being at a number of clubs over the years, is bradford. strange how he didnt take anything till he was a bulls player isnt it.
No player has ever been found taking performancing whilst at castleford whilst at bulls they have, i wonder why that is?
Your club dont associate with drug takers, well thats nice, i would be more impressed if you didnt try to sign men who attack women, illegaly sign players again and again, and break the salary cap.'"
No, because it's got nothing to do with what club he is at, it's an individual choice wether Ryan takes them, whatever club he is at. There's nothing strange about it.
I know you are not thick, but do you seriously think that Ryan Hudson was encouraged to to take performances enhancers, at Bulls, because to me, that seems very close to what you are getting at.
What cannot be disputed though, is Cas have reputation for signing drug takers and drug cheats.
Hey, Your reference to what is more than likley Greg Bird is wrong, he was an innocent man by law when we attempted to sign him. Other than Harris, who's the again and again, Solomona signing was straight up, as was Michael Platts.
Cas have also broke the salary cap aswell, so people in glass houses and all that.
Just face it, your club signs druggies.