Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"
Customer service is a key element. There are low cost courses on customer service at most educational facilities in the country. Get the staff on one now.
Retail is a specialist area. It is not something you get minimum wage employees to do. You have the layout designed by an expert, the range of items stocked done by a professional, based on demand and also the need to create a vivid and dynamic retail experience. The stadium is a fantastic opportunity for the club to earn money outside of matchdays and season tickets. The cafe and shop have so much potential, wanting them to strive to maximise that isn't 'moaning'.'"
I have never had problems with the staff at Saints and they've always been very helpful when I've been in. The employee in question may have been caught at the wrong time but that is no excuse for poor customer service. I would like to think that there are appraisals at Saints and if the employee is under performing it will be highlighted in the appraisal and an action plan will be drawn up.
With regards to what I've highlighted, do you know the budgets for both the cafe and shop? Man United, an example you've used, will have a massive budget for their shop and cafe in comparison with Saints so comparing the two is totally wrong, its like comparing Marg's to Harry Ramsden's, one a small business and the other a multi million pound company.
I have no idea what the budgets are for both areas at Saints but in my visits I've been impressed with how far the club have grown in the past ten or so years. Money is tight so the budgets will be very tight and only things that are likely to be bought will be bought into stock by the club.
As I've said, the club will keep out the 2012 range as long as possible to try and get it sold. That's also why they're having a sale, like any big retail company. Its all end of the line stock and the club have used their brain by organising an event at the same time as this sale. The 2013 range will probably be in stock from Monday with more stock arriving before Xmas.