Quote THEOriginalWire="THEOriginalWire"no but they are the ONLY people who pay us for these games, and they have the right by doing so, to move the games to fit with there scheduling, we get a great spot on a friday night and also a good one on a saturday, so as i said, they are the ones who pay for the right to screen the games, which is what we as fans want, and they are the ones who then have the right to go and say to the rfl, look how do you feel about moving these games forward or backwards by however long, and the rfl then say yes or no, (generally in a quibbling manner they will say yes). but at the end of the day, this what sky pay for, no matter how much they pay!'"
Conceded. I don't mind too much when they move games by half an hour.
I was a little bit miffed last year when they moved the games about so Wire finished on a fizzle at Quins and Saint's new what hey had to do at Cas. Was disappointing. I would like to know how many games Sky moved last year. Bearing in mind they only show 52 (I think discounting MM) during the regular season. I can think of a couple off the top of my head. I feel for the people that buy a ticket and then are forced to miss the game cause sky have moved it. Additionally, last year they waited till very close to the game, after people had bought tickets to move them.
I would also question why Sky move so many games.