The Speculator: I have just watched that Liam Hood try again on the BBC Sport highlights video. So, basically Williams, Russell and Currie all make the tackle on the Wakey player close to the line. Both Russell and Currie then move back into the defensive line while Williams still has hold of the player. Neither Russell nor Currie seem to think that it might be a good idea to act as second marker. And as Williams had not even properly regained his feet, there were effectively no markers when the ball was played, hence Hood strolling through unopposed. An embarrassing shambles that you would not expect to see at any level of the game.
Agreed. The only explanation I can offer is that everybody had forgotten which player was playing in each position, as mentioned above the chopping and changing in game was mystifying. But all three players were at fault and clearly left it to someone else to handle the immediate danger. I felt slightly for Russell because if he runs in, it creates an overlap so really the support should have come from the open side.