Quote ColD="ColD"You not rate him then, looks very promising if he matures, still very young for a prop
What do you reckon of London’s chances this season - seem to have lost a lot of the quality players'"
He's big thats for sure especially for someone so young. Didn't appear to get a chance a Hull (nor London as he wasn't a starting prop in the championship)
A number of the young London lads leave but very few do much, other than ? Clubb, LMS, McMeaken
I spoke with Webster the Fev coach at the Leeds trg camp in Spain and he said anyone finishing above London will win the league. He thinks it's a 3 horse race between TO, London and you lot. Fev are reliant on DR with Leeds (his words)
I think London are 3 players short. Mitch Allgood is rumoured to be coming in.
It looks like a great league. Be good to see Leigh back up there.