Have I been cloned.
Simon, all of the things you say are true ('sept for the station flowers....it works for surrey county cricket and the estate agents that sponsor putney overland station...cheap brand awareness).
I have (if you can be @rsed searching through the ,000's of posts) said everything and more that you have and this is why we are having this discussion.
I also said PR through local radio, as I wouldn't spend a penny on that or TV.
Vouchers....last one I remember seeing was in Metro for £10 in and 6 VB at Griffin Park when we had an "inside man at Metro"
Leaflets at the station depends on how you do it. I have in the past suggested that a couple of fit players and a couple of fit cheerleaders should actually tour the regions bars and pubs for a couple of evenings, handing out leaflets and selling advance reduced price tickets.......at little or no cost to the club. Let's face it, of the 250,000 odd population who reside in the borough....about 1% if that know we exist.
5,000 bums is a realistic target at a CPA of £9.....20,000 at £2.25 or even £1.25 with the revised 25k total is insane and I for one would worship at your door if it could be achieved. My target is 10% yours 40%....let's split it down the middle and aim for the stars!
As for a big splash at the begining to get repeat business, if there were to be a big push, I would leave it to May/June when the competition are OFF season. Also, let's not push us v Saints.....why not us ve Celtic (a win is good for the soul)
I believe that above the line marketing is best left (in most parts) to the P&G's of the world. What we need to do is look at clever ways of promoting the club to the locals. Cleaning up the station which must see 100,000+ journeys, 2 times a day, has got to be a start. FFS......even I would give 2 hours a week to sweep, paint and generally keep it tidier.
As for the free kids and adults with reduced return tickets....I am sick of banging on about this, The CRM at the club is non existant. As for mailing
and the club speculating....do not get me started. Nobody on these boards will thank you for it!
I have just been reading the post on the VT about the attendance for the Wakey Game and I think it's about time that the club took a risk to get our attendances up.
Offers to transiant fans in TNT is all well and good, as is the occasional advert over a urinal in pubs, but I would like to see more "above the line" (as against "above the urine"icon_wink.gif marketing from the club.
The Evening Standard/London Lite/The London Paper/Metro have a combined readership in excess of 2,000,000. Why not give away 1,000 tickets on a first come first served basis, with late comers offered a taster ticket for £5 a pop. This would not be "advanced purchase", but turn up on the day.
The expense of such an exercise, I believe would not be too taxing, given the extra (potential) revenue at the bar/food outlets. THEN......if we do get an extra 5,000 through the gates, offer them another £5 taster ticket for use at ANY FUTURE home game this season.
Estimated cost: £20,000 on advertising and £3,000 on additional stewarding.
Potential result: Depending on what the club can squeeze out of the London Press and Radio stations, (PR) I would hope that 5,000 extra bodies would show up, with 4,000 coughing up £20,000 at the gate and an additional (£3 each minimum) £15,000 in residual spend (hotter the day, colder the beer!)
Hard to estimate the number of secondary tickets sold, but if the voucher to get the free ticket required an address to be filled out, we would get 5,000 extra targets for future offers.
If the £20,000 advertising cost is deemed too much, reduce it by targeting commuters at Waterloo and Victoria Stations, using the Harlots and a few players and volunteers. Also, possibly target our union brothers for the same game with a fe kids and cheap ticket offer.
I don't know if this would work, but it's got to be worth the club taking a risk on SOMETHING other than the "slowly slowly catchy monkey" approach that so obviously isn't working.