Quote Woody_woody="Woody_woody"Sorry, perhaps I'm just getting impatient. How long do we wait for Vievers and Mellor and the like to develop and reach their peak? 5 years? 10 years?
The other problem is we haven't had any top quality signings since Barrett. This is what we are crying out for. At the minute we have some honest good Wiganers and in the main avergae Aussies. For these Wiganers to develop they need some experienced world class winners around them otherwise they will just get into the habit of losing.'"
I think you're being overly pessimistic if you think Vievers, Mellor, Thornley, Farrel etc are 5 years away.
And as for top quality signings, you can't sign somebody who's not availalbe. And to be brutally honest some of the signings made by other teams (just like we've done before) from the NRL are very average.
If SL wants to improve, and if we all genuinely want a strong England team that's going to seriously compete with Australia, then i'm afraid it's the only way to do it, which is exactly what IL seems to think as well.