Jays getting owned by the Rays yet again. They totally have our number.
Still, there plenty of reasons to keep watching (in no particular order)...
1 Travis Snider - looking like he belongs in the big league
2 Randy Ruiz - for making JP look like a prize tool (not that he needs much help in that department) and proving that big men can hustle
3 Aaron Hill - just hit the 30 HR mark, amazing season for Aaron
4 Ricky Romero - still in with a shout of ROY and can be devastating when he gets on a roll
5 Josh Roenicke - gets better with every outting of relief and is making the Rolen trade look like we got much more than a salary dump out of it
6 Last chance to see Johnny Mac in a Jays uniform on those rare occasions they actually let him play
So....am I the only one who's still watching baseball? It's been awfully quiet on here lately.