Quote Scarlet Pimpernell="Scarlet Pimpernell"I do not have a vendetta against anyone I merely try to point out the stupidity of statements that cannot be verified.
I never backed Agar on the forum because he had gone long before I joined.
I read the same basic statement on nearly every post which on one thread covers over 20 pages.
Let the court case proceed if it does and providing the club win you can start another 20 + page thread. If they lose which they had better not the costs I would expect to be very large and I doubt they will ask the ratepayers of Wakefield to stand the cost.
If you believe what you post about Box or now Jeffries any of you can stand it is still a free country but only just.
=#FF0000The forum I regret is now the domain of a small group of like minded people who struggle with dissension. How many members no longer post, I guess you will soon have it all to
Your mantra is ban those who dare to ask questions because they have no right to post on this forum. What we say should be accepted as fact even if we have to do it multiple times.
I am a Wakefield supporter for over 40 years but why makes me different from some is that I do not blindly accept everything coming from the club or any other source particularly members of the forum'"
I like this bit! The reality is that the council itself is run by a minority of 1. Sure there are elections, but in this authority Labour will always win and, to be a Labour councillor you need to be a Labour member. Then you are vetted by Mrs Box. Then when you are elected you are appointed to a position in cabinet by, erm, Mr Box! There is no room for dissention, only room for those who tow the line.
But if you want to talk statistics, what about the promise to 15,000+ people who's support allowed a developer to make a Kings ransom from a piece of GB land that remain unfulfilled because the council were either too weak, or incompetent, or worse, to make him deliver!
This is about justice and fairness - are you with us or agin us? Make your mind up!