Quote Staffs FC="Staffs FC"Alternatively they may decide that the business is no longer viable as the fan base falls and call in their investments, fairly quickly to avoid the prospect of the value of their investments falling too far. Still, better to have the money making lovers out of the picture and have no club at all than have them running the club at A grade status and daring to make a few bob. We can all sit in the pub on a Friday night and toast ourselves for not giving them another shilling while watching the Super League on the tele.'"
Unless the Director's have debts to call in (I'm not sure whether we do any more or not TBH) then they can't just call in the investment, the club IS the investment and they have 2 choices - either close the doors and lose all their money or sell it (which won't be easy at the moment) either way it's not in their business interest to do either becuase they want to make money. ATEOD the board will know why fans are not buying tickets the only way they would consider selling to get their money out would be if they could see no reason behind the falling revenue or not see a way to restore it - our board would have to be fairly dosey to not know what was affecting sales right now, IMO of course.