Quote Offy="Offy".
I don't mean to disrespectful mate, but if you think AP reads and replies to every email he gets from fans, then youre a little deluded.
ok the wording could have been looked at a little more closely, but I'm sure he was rather annoyed like many others.
im suggesting that we hit him in the pocket. if he see's people wont pay to see that dross that radders is serving up he may think twice about keeping on an inept coach.
the pen being your email
the sword being taking action, boycotting, petitions etc'"
I don't think AP reads & replies to every single one, I bet he's inundated right now, but some the replies people have posted on here to me look like they came from him. Neither of us know for certain, so pointless debating it really.
Writing something like that when annoyed and expecting people to want to agree with it isn't the way to go. He's the last person on here who's opinion/attitude is what I'd want us as fans to be represented by.
I respect yours and others option to boycott, a lot of people have already, but that's not an option for me. Neither is an amateurish petition.