Quote UllFC="UllFC"Im usually a Pearson fan but ive found his recent comments to be very blinkered and selfish.
Yes we have a 25k ground and crowds are generally 10-12k so fans could sit apart, but what happens at half time when everyone rushes to the toilets and bar? What happens at the final hooter? How do you deal with hundreds queuing at Walton Street crossing when the gates are down. Its not manageable.
He also forgetting a lot of clubs dont have big grounds, that you need stewards, medics, police etc to put a game on and while Hull has had a low rate of infection do we really want a thousand or so away fans coming to visit and bringing the virus with them?
I want to get back watching my team as much as anyone, and understand the game cant survive without gate money, but saying we can be back in the ground on July 1st is ridiculous.'"
I'm not seeing how having people back in grounds in a normal fashion is a problem so long as those that are vulnerable stay away, currently those that are vulnerable are isolated from their own families and/or families/carers/Key workers are wearing PPE or staying x distance away plus washing hands when having to visit vulnerable persons, so passing on any theoretically present virus on is tiny, less than influenza in a normal societal situation at any time of year.
That's before you even get to the fact that you're incorrectly presuming every single one of those thousand fans (or thousands of home fans) all have whatever people think the virus is, which we know cannot be true and that, the limited testing proves this to be so, and even when within a few centimetres this does not automatically mean transmission of any virus. Which if you are practising what the government are telling you to do re hand washing, wearing PPE and/or distancing from the vulnerable then the perceived threat to wider society is simply not there, that is what the interventions are for. And the threat to those interacting within the ground is also tiny, we know this is so if only non vulnerable persons are attending.
There's no logic behind stopping mass gatherings for sport if vulnerable persons are not in attendance based on the protective systems to the vulnerable on the basis of worst case of passing on any potential virus between those in attendance or any other mass gatherings.
Talk of compulsory mask wearing -only the proper N95 respiratory masks are of any real use and are still nowhere near perfect, testing - the test is so flawed it's laughable, or even a flu vaccination for players - again totally bonkers as the strain is different hence why flu vaccine, as per NRL, before you can enter a ground has no logical or scientific evidence behind it to prevent transmission to the vulnerable who won't be in attendance.
if things carry on for a couple more months without fans going to the grounds in as normal a way as possible the sport as we know it will be even more on its knees as will many tens of thousands of other businesses. This all has wider negative effects to communities, to the economy and further still to health and social care which can and does kill even more within society.
People who claim doing x will kill more people by reinfecting/second wave (so called second wave comes from testing even more which gives you more positive tests) don't see the bigger picture and ignore actual science/logic and ignore that when we had far worse in past history regards actual deaths FROM respiratory diseases not a single thing was done to prevent those tens of thousands of deaths. I'll repeat again, 71,000 respiratory deaths in England and Wales in 2019, which was actually a 'good' flu year, every single one of those deaths are underlying cause of death, the number given by government re C.19 deaths are not underlying cause of death.
So if life was so important, if keeping people out of hospital was so important why did general populous and government do absolutely nothing in past years when the actual harm in terms of respiratory deaths was significantly higher than now?
We know viruses cannot be stopped from spreading, it is impossible, and talk of all the solutions to eradicate viruses is just silly at best, so at what point do you suggest we can go back to mass gatherings/back to normal, at what point would you be satisfied that it's okay?
Given what we know that at least 26,000 people die in England alone in a bad flu year (massively less testing compared to current for C.19 means this is a hugely under the actuality) and that all of those deaths were the underlying cause of death (unlike the number given by government which isn't as it's death WITH a number of viruses incl influenza and pneumonia), how does that sit that we ignored all those deaths in previous years by going to the rugby, or any other sport/event?
Why were you not so concerned then when everyone knew how deadly flu and pneumonia was to the vulnerable, what's the logic behind your thinking as to why the date given is wrong?