Quote nes2002="nes2002"Our attendance for last years 9 League games was -
4517 ...
When you consider the Salford attendance last seasn, and the fact Gateshead had 14 travelling fans Toulose - 0 , every visiting team brought fewer fans and we had less season tickets it not to shabby ...
Very interesting indeed mate. Even taking into account the loss of away fans from some teams and the attendance of the Salford game does this look like our experiment with Non-Sunday rugby failed??
I personally think it would have been better had we been able to play on Friday nights or Saturday nights but the chopping and changing every week and the occasional Thursday night thrown in for good measure meant I didn't know when we were playing half the time and had to use the fixture list like never before.
Makes you wonder what it must have been like for the casual fan that comes and goes throughout the season when the interest piqued.