Quote TwistTheMellonMan="TwistTheMellonMan"You can't claim racism is fine at some points and not others the fact that he said multi racial couples were an abomination has been quietly sweeped under the rug. His idea that all white people should all be sorry and be held accountable for the crimes of our ancestors is dangerous and we will never advance as a species if we keep flogging that dead horse.'"
Flogging that dead horse.....
Ok so the forced enslavement and murder of MILLIONS the consequences of which he still suffered being raised in segregated Kentucky he should have just forgotten.....move on....nothing to see.....Hardly the work of 'ancestors ยด when he couldn't even vote, attend school etc.
Of course you would have just let it go being a better human being than him.
He won an Olympic gold medal...at boxing...not rhythmic gymnastics..risking life for that country and his own cities citizens wouldn't serve him a hotdog because of his race.
Mixed race couples were an abomination where he was raised. The couples often killed.
He gave away millions to people of all races and creeds...millions.
Uncle Tom isn't a racist slur. It means your a conspirator with the white oppressor not an inferior race....
Here's a racist...
'I'm strongly in favour of the use of poisonous gas on uncivilized tribe's. Why is it wrong for a British Artillery man to fire a shell that would make said native sneeze'.
This racist then complained of the sqeamishness of his cabinet colleagues when they stopped him gassing Indians and Arabs.
Sir Winston Churchill...soon to adorn our 5 pound note and regularly voted as one of the greatest Britons. Looking for racists look closer to home.