Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"An irrelevance - the previous pontifs have been unable to prevent their own cardinals from following their interpretation of the bible. Does anyone really believe if you have homosexual genes you will refrain from having a same sex physical relationship because Francis pontificates ?'"
I'd love for it to be an irrelevance, but unfortunately, it's not.
The Vatican has a huge amount of power – not as much as it used to in Europe, but certainly in the developing world. And it's entrenched attitudes on contraception in particular do nothing to help tackle poverty in those areas and, indeed, hinder progress.
The same can be said of dealing with HIV/Aids.
Then there's the question of abortion. Does anyone, for instance, really think that, were it not for the church's continued attitude, Ireland would maintain laws forbidding any abortion? Or in Nicaragua, where the government outlawed all abortion to please the church, and women are now dying as a result?
And that's without touching on how it still tries to impose it's views in this country, by various means including emotional blackmail.