Why on earth aren't we doing this?!!!! : Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:18 am
I was a Bingley Music Live in Myrtle Park when I was stopped by a bloke at a trade stand trying to sign people up to Br*dford B*lls season tickets.Now admittedly I told him to do one as I'd expect any Cougar fan to do.
The bottom line is though is the club aren't selling themselves enough to the local area. Why weren't we there? We're the local rugby league club as far as Bingley's concerned.
I'd say there was 10,000 there last night with more than that today and Sunday and they all had to walk past this stand.
What are the club actually doing to improve attendances? A few flyers here and there and a bit on the back of the KN aren't going to cut it, it's amateurish.