Championship Attendances : Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:19 pm
Easter Monday reported the below, still around a 1,000 better than anyone else for us and given Barrows success they cant get near the 2,000 mark at present. A worrying trend for the next few years after this, is lower league rugby losing it's appeal or is everyone at a loss with the RFL regards promotion and relegation?Barrow (28) 50 Sheffield (4) 4
Attend: 1,854
Dewsbury (4) 10 Keighley (14) 42
Attend: 1,025
Halifax (16) 50 Toulouse (6) 6
Attend: 1,725
Leigh (14) 26 Batley (4) 4
Attend: 2,246
Sheffield P Barrow P
Widnes (30) 48 Whitehaven (8) 18
Attend: 3,033